ニック・ナイトのインスタグラム(nick_knight) - 6月2日 17時42分

@コム・デ・ギャルソン .
Fashion has inspired me since I was a child and continues to be a huge influence in my work .
It is for me, one of the most important art forms we have . A brilliant form of self expression.
No one dresses randomly, so it is even in its most basic form a way of showing who we are . There never has been a society that doesn’t use fashion to express the values and desires of that society . To see the importance of fashion to us , you just have to look at dictatorships ( and any other repressive regime from prisons to concentration camps ) to see that one of the ways to suppress and homogenise a group of people is to take away their ability to express their individuality through how they dress .
In countries like Britain which are on the whole Protestant based , fashion is seen as self adornment, vanity and therefore a sin . Contrast that to Catholic countries such as France or Italy and you immediately see how supportive they are of it and important it is in their culture.
This goes some way to explaining the British media and government lack of support for fashion. Actually thé UK 3rd biggest industry but with absolutely no representation or lobby groups in Parliament whatsoever. About to be decimated by Brexit and yet never mentioned in the debate .
Some of the most exciting artists I have ever met have been in fashion . Alexander McQueen , @jgalliano , @山本耀司 , Martin Margiela, Martine Sitbon , @リカルド・ティッシ .........and I still keep meeting them , @sjodwyer, @craig__green , @fredriktjaerandsen , @garethpughstudio , @duranlantinkyo , @matieresfecales to name just a few .
Sheer joy .


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
