モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 5月25日 19時55分

I certainly haven't enjoyed this last week, but it's reminded me of a couple of things.

1-our sense of self and well-being really shouldn't come from the opinions of strangers.
personally I think I'd become too reliant on external validation, especially in the form of social media.
trust me, that has ended.. and:

2-my problems are tiny and insignificant, especially in a world where over 100 billion animals are killed by and for humans every year, and where we're facing largely unprecedented environmental destruction and degradation.
for a long time my primary goal has been to be a better, and more effective, activist.
who knows, maybe the insanity of this last week will somehow help me to do that.
it certainly does seem that for me(or any of us) to obsess over social media when the world is truly falling apart is an un-ethical waste of time. -moby

p.s-a reminder; none of our concerns will matter if the climate keeps rising, the rainforest keeps disappearing, and species continue to go extinct. social media won't sustain us in a world that doesn't support human life.


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