アダム・センのインスタグラム(adamsenn) - 5月25日 06時19分

Family is a funny thing, we all have a idea of how it’s “supposed to go.” These beautiful girls are my two sisters, CayIee and Lola. I thought the age gaps would prevent us from having a relationship early on. We are each about 14years apart Me from Cay and Cay from Lola. People have thought they are both my daughters. 🙄👴🏼What I have come to find out over time, it has brought us closer than I could have ever imagined. We are each learning from one another’s generation. My whole family runs better than I could have ever asked for. We are all very much apart of each others lives. So no matter what life throws at you there will always be ways to make it work where everyone one is happy and healthy.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



