福間洸太朗のインスタグラム(kotarofsky) - 5月22日 20時01分

Avec mon cher maître de Paris, M.Bruno Rigutto

I first heard him in the video in which he explained and demonstrated the works by Ravel (Sonatine, Alborada del Gracioso). It immediately captured me, and instinctly I said to myself „this is the professor with whom I'm going to study in Paris“. I didn't have any direct contact to him, but I wrote him a letter (in a very bad French!!) and sent it along with a cassette tape of my recording (oh yeah, it was in 2000, still the previous century ;)) to the Conservatoire de Paris.
Three weeks later, he replied me by fax (previous century!), saying that he would be happy to meet me and listen to me. Then I studied intensively with him in the Conservatoire for 4 years. He helped me a lot to develop my "palette sonore", both passionate and poetic sides of expression and even sense of humor. :) It was quite an emotional moment to see him at my recital in Paris (Photo 2) The first photo was in 2003, before my participation in the Cleveland Competition. .
Merci, Monsieur Rigutto!
#BrunoRigutto #myteacher #musicianslife #pianist
P.S. チョットダケトムハンクスニニテルトオモウノボクダケデスカ?


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