クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 5月18日 06時22分

💔💔💔 Wow....Like many African Americans here- my ancestors came from Ghana. Imagine how our people felt being ripped away from their friends, families, husbands and wives by strange, evil, cruel people that had zero regard for their heartache, terror and pain. Imagine the emotional state these beautiful people had to be in scared to death and then IF they made it to the other side after being shackled in disgusting, unsanitary life threatening conditions for months- the new life of slavery, rape, buck breaking and extreme mental and physical abuse they had to endure. It sickens me when I hear people say “get over it” or when some goofy out of touch Fox News person says something insensitive like “slavery wasn’t that bad-or my favorite “go back to Africa!” Ok sure- soon as you go back to England, and Spain, and Portugal and wherever the hell else slave traders came from. These images will always be painful and jarring. We have a long way to go America! #Repost @brother_polight

I left the Cape Coast in Ghana, Africa with an enourmous headache, overwhelmed by coming in immediate proximity of our history.
Labled as such in light of the fact that when were kidnapped, enslaved, and abused; we then had to cross this threshold only to never be in contact with our friends and family again.
These are the doors we walked and crawled through to be shipped away per the trans-atlantic slave trade.
When we walked out of these doors we never returned to Africa and became strangers to a land and culture amongst White Slave Masters that falsely adopted us.
Genetically upon the stimulus of pain I epigentically remember this experience millions of times over per each captive for I was endowed with the higher sense of PSYCHOMETRY.
To walk through these doors...
To look at these waters where we were shipped makes me realize the prominence of me walking back into Africa through these same doors and aquiring a place for me to live.
My New Home 🇬🇭


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