タリン・サザンのインスタグラム(tarynsouthern) - 5月16日 05時34分

I would never have guessed how insanely hard it would be to make a movie…I’m still recovering. The day of the premiere my body gave into a brutal chest cold and hacking cough, the sort of inappropriately timed gift that comes only after you’ve been grinding away for 16 hours/day for a year and a half. Someone came over to give me a pat on the back - “Your first film - at Tribeca! Amazing! How are you feeling right now??” Me = 🥴

On May 2nd, I sat in the theatre, heart pounding, terrified for nearly 5,400 seconds of a sound or picture issue.  You’d think I was performing open brain surgery, not watching it. Ninety minutes later, I could barely mask my bleary-eyed, microphone-amplified coughs while sitting on a post-screen panel. It was over. Relief. Coughing. More relief. More coughing.

Last night was the first in a long time I didn’t have a dream about rearranging, cutting, and re-cutting scenes. My one respite has been meeting other filmmakers in various states of emotional disarray; many were equally uncertain whether they could sit through their first premiere without feeling a sense of panic or dread.

I’ve learned you can always make a film better, but you can’t make it for everyone. You make it for you, the people that inspired you, and because there’s a story that needs to be told. You weave through every possible way to tell it, blindfolded and stumbling, trying to fit the puzzle pieces together until….time is up. As my editor and friend @codyrogo says, “No mud, no lotus.” I leave the experience feeling more appreciation than ever for people who dare to do hard things.

It’s easy to see snapshots of red carpets and fancy events; it’s hard to see the struggle and tedium forged in the process to get there. We’ve all been through it. But for whatever duration of individual or collective pain you’ve endured to get something to the finish line, just remember the message is worth it.
Thank you again to all the friends, family, and @tribeca for their support ❤️ // @iamhumanfilm //


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