ジェイワウのインスタグラム(jwoww) - 5月13日 01時20分

Happy Mother’s Day to the two most important ladies in my life who helped shape me as the woman I am today... my mother, who was diagnosed in her early 20s (when I was Around 3-4) with a mental illness that later hospitalized her til this day... and to my grandmother who stepped in to become the mother I needed when my mom wasn’t able to. This post is to share my upbringing and show anyone that is struggling, or being raised in an unconventional way... that one day it will be okay. I didn’t get the mom who could attend my school functions, brush my hair, pack my lunch or help with homework. But that’s ok. I remember struggling with that as a kid and thinking life wasn’t fair. Looking back, life was more than fair. I had amazing grandparents, father, cousins, aunts who all stepped in and made the person I am today... and a mother who could not be more proud of me. So to the kids out there that don’t have the classic “nuclear family” or mother that may not always be there... remember it’s okay 💗💗💗 life goes on and keep choosing the path that betters your life 🥰🥰🥰 and to all the mothers kicking ass, pat yourself on the back because you deserve it 😍


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