ローレン・アッシュのインスタグラム(laurenelizabethash) - 5月12日 10時57分

When my dear friend Rachael Ray asked me to be on her team for the 3rd Annual Denis Leary FDNY Firefighter Challenge at the FDNY Fire Academy on May 3, I was terrified. She told me that you go through actual training exercises including being in a burning building and repelling down a 50 foot wall. I’m wildly claustrophobic and the idea of even putting a mask on is anxiety inducing for me. Could I really suit up in full gear and crawl through a pitch black burning building full of smoke and fire? Well, first off, I’m a really good friend. Secondly, when I learned we would be supporting @learyfirefighters and the FDNY Foundation, commemorating International Firefighters’ Day #IFFD, and be given a chance to recognize and thank firefighters everywhere for their service...I realized I had absolutely no choice but to face my fears and give it my best. And I had a truly life changing experience. Photo 2 is me rescuing someone from a window, photo 3 is me the moment I emerged from a burning building that was around 1200 degrees, pic 5 is me putting my mask on for the first time and facing my claustrophobia fear and pic 6 is me wearing the fire hood completely incorrectly (the firefighters were sweet not to shame me) Please tune in to the @レイチェル・レイ show this Monday May 13 to see footage of us at the challenge. I never thought it would be possible to feel more respect and admiration for firefighters but after this, it’s gone through the roof. And I also feel like I accomplished a lot by facing my fears that day. Thank you Rachael for giving me the chance to do all of the above.
@rachaelrayshow @denisleary




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