ランス・バスのインスタグラム(lancebass) - 4月23日 08時21分

On #EarthDay we like to get dirty! Speaking of dirty.. here’s a Dirty Pop Quiz: Why am I putting lady bugs and worms into these gardens?? Our @green4ema school garden program is so special to me. Watching these kids learn about what we eat and how we grow our food is so inspiring. They will pass this knowledge forward to their future family and friends. Growing your own food has a direct link to health, climate change, and even better test scores! Happy Earth Day everyone! And thank you to our sponsors @kellogggarden @roccosweho and @citynationalbank for all that they do to help these students. ❤️ 🐛🐣🥗🍓🥒🍋🥕🥦🐞


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