Kat Von Dのインスタグラム(thekatvond) - 4月11日 02時17分

So grateful for my husband @prayers. I know being married to me comes with a lot of baggage, especially when it comes to the backlash I’ve received on social media this last year.
Sadly, we live in a world where people get off on criminalizing others for the sake of gaining more clicks and views on their gossip channels on YouTube, and I hate that even my husband has had to deal with it because of me.
It never feels good to be accused of things you are not.
And regardless, @prayers has humbly stayed quiet and supported me every step of the way, regardless of all the vicious rumors. Read his last post, and see some of the shit we have to deal with.
Thank you, mi amor, for sticking with me and loving me no matter what. 🖤 #envidayenmuerte


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