サラ・ステージのインスタグラム(sarahstage) - 4月1日 02時42分

LIP INJECTIONS 💉 Story time 📖
I’ve debated discussing this because it’s so personal and people can be so judgmental as I’ve learned 😂 but i want to be open share with you my story as it might help some of you!
Many years ago before Instagram and IPhones 👵🏼, I made a bad choice to get a filler called Radiesse injected into my lips. The problem is that the product is not meant to be injected into your lip area and me being very young and trusting of the doctor (who also had the filler in her lips and it looked amazing) i agreed to it. I had a terrible reaction to it and my lips were extremely swollen, inflamed and hard for months, the product also made my lips droopy too.
I knew that i had to get the filler removed so I found another doctor who literally made an incision on the inside of my lips and removed what he could of the filler.
So if you’re still reading this, you would think that the story ends here... nope!! The incision left a bunch of scar tissue causing my lips to be weighed down and crooked. At this point, 2008, i was terrified of touching my lips and tried to accept my situation and i did for awhile!!! (Getting married and having babies definitely puts things in perspective! )
So fast forward to February 2019 and now that I’m done breastfeeding, I’m ready to fix my lips!!! I’m so grateful that we live in a time where you can research and read reviews online, if only i was lucky enough back then to have all the information we have now !
I’m blessed to have met @drbentalei , he literally has helped fix a problem that had been bothering me for over 10 years. He performed a modified lip lift with scar tissue removal. The full recovery time for all of the swelling to go down is 3 months, And so far it’s been 3 weeks, so I’m still swollen.

Trust me I’ve wanted to reply to each of you in my DM’s who have asked me recently if i got filler or scolding me telling me to stop getting lip filler 😂 it’s just swelling.
I’d also like to mention that filler, botox and plastic surgery is such a personal choice and it’s not our place to judge others. Just make sure you do your homework and choose a qualified & reputable doctor.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




