フリーマ・アジェマンのインスタグラム(freemaofficial) - 3月28日 23時02分

Posted @withrepost@kaviladnier1111 @フリーマ・アジェマン came to see OUR boy @sendhil_rama tonight! 🤪 What a pleasure to meet her. I LOVED @sense8 and I admitted that I have not let myself watch the finale cause I didn’t want it to end. Next week I’m gonna watch it! Ha! Thank you for coming! #HATEFCK #offbroadway @wptheater @coltcoeur

Ohmahgosh thoroughly enjoyed it darlin’!!! Compelling performances from both of you!! And brilliant, important, timely debate on this provocative subject matter. A stellar stream of consciousness by Rehana Lew Mirza. Go see peeps! Closes March 31st!!!


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