ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 3月28日 17時58分

Back home, back to reality and back to the meals in my book “The Ultimate Body Plan” Those of you who started my plan in the new year should almost be finished now, I hope you’ve enjoyed it and most importantly I hope you’ve discovered a brand new healthier, leaner, happier more confident YOU! I know 100% this plan works, because I’ve done it. Twice. I’ll be using it post baby too when I’m ready. The training program is suitable to do at home or at the gym and the foods include everything from vegan, vegetarian and Gluten free. Please be aware this isn’t a quick fix. It’s a lifestyle change by changing old habits and creating new ones over a 12 week period. It isn’t just about our physical health either. No point in having your “perfect” body whilst being unhappy.... We all deserve happiness and my book will help you find yours ❤️ link in my bio for anyone wanting to order 👆🏼 Please comment below on what follow up you would like for my next book. It’s currently under construction so id love to know you thoughts! Many thanks 🙏 😊


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



