カーリー・ウォパットのインスタグラム(carlywopat) - 3月17日 08時29分

Exploring New Zealand by campervan.

After three weeks of competing on the road, I decided to top it all off by spending a week on the South Island of New Zealand. There was so much I wanted to see and do, and a trip like this should be allotted a good two or three weeks to really get the most out of it. Regardless, my experiences on the road were stunning.

I rented a campervan, stocked up on supplies, and then took off across the beautiful island. Through grasslands, over mountains, around lakes.. I wanted to take it all in. I wanted to be fully present. And yes, I did it alone! (But Britt and her boyfriend are also here doing their thing & exploring in their campervan)

I absolutely love traveling with companions. But there is also something about traveling solo that I love. All we truly own in this life is our own body, mind, and soul; everything else is a gift. And when you travel alone, you are re-grounded with that perspective. You’ve got no distractions from connecting with this planet we live on, and you are able to really step back and take a good look at yourself & your existence.
You realize how small you are, yet how big you can be. How nothing really matters, yet everything does. How random life can appear, yet how predictable it truly is.

There is chaos, but there is a pattern to it; our world is mapped out on a grid, everything touching & connected in ways we cannot fathom. Every thought, every choice, every action, sends out ripples of varying magnitudes.
Is anything in life really a coincidence? Is luck really luck, or is there more to it?

Emerging from that rabbit hole - I have been taking a ton of incredible photos along the way, but have refrained from posting anything yet. I did share on my story as I went. But I wanted to be in the moment, and then take the time to gather my thoughts before I start to express myself.

Prepare yourselves for New Zealand through my eyes!


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