タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 3月16日 15時56分

Read this quote over and over and over..... And ask yourself why are you so annoyed when someone starts coming down on your about the DUMB SHIT you keep doing or saying...?? Why do you get so aggressive and or over protective when someone can CLEARLY SEE that you’re in an abusive relationship and they actually LOVE you enough to keep it REAL with you.... Most associate slavery with cotton and chains..... That’s apart of it..... These says the new form of slavery in when you’re IN some shit you’re not supposed to be IN and you refuse to LISTEN or pay attention to the signs... You isolate and run ALL of your friends away cause you don’t want anyone to put your bullshit on BLAST........ You are enslaved in your abusive relationship, you are enslaved at that job ( when you know you’re smarter and better than your boss ) - You are enslaved in that environment ( the hood ) even though you can get out you keep running “Back” to those fucked up familiar people.... You are enslaved in that family who continue to burn you and burn you and burn you over and over and over and you chalk it up to saying “but it’s family” - I’m talking to somebody...... If you agree confess to what you’re “enslaved” in - and or write “Facts” in the comments!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




