TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 3月14日 20時39分

Conventional wisdom in Washington tends to treat impeachment as a fringe crusade, on a par with campaigns by antifluoridation activists or UFO enthusiasts, and views Nancy #Pelosi as right to resist this momentum. Many believe it would be a political disaster for Democrats, galvanizing @ドナルド・トランプ’s base and alienating moderates. Republicans have taken to goading their opponents to try it, while White House officials say they relish the prospect of the Democratic Party tearing itself apart over the issue. “It would play right into our hands,” says a House Republican leadership aide. The question of whether to impeach #Trump isn’t just a Washington parlor game, writes Molly Ball (@mollyesque). Attempting to undo the will of the voters and remove a duly elected President is one of the most consequential powers entrusted to the Legislative Branch. The next presidential election could hinge on how such an effort plays out. Yet much as @speakerpelosi may not want to say it now, even her reticent Democratic allies in the House admit the push for impeachment is likely coming. “It gets more difficult to avoid every day,” says a House Democrat who has voted against every impeachment resolution presented so far. Read more at the link in bio. Illustration by @edelrodriguez for TIME; animation by @brobeldesign


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