林俊傑のインスタグラム(jjlin) - 3月12日 12時43分

Last night marked the grand finale to the Sanctuary 1.0 tour, we performed in one of the most internationally acclaimed #RodLaverArena , to one of the most engaging and hyped crowds ever - Melbourne, Australia! The past 36 shows had been life changing, and I know in time to come I will still be reminiscing over moments when we shared laughter and tears together, those precious memories that will forever linger in my heart n soul. Thank you to every one of you, for being part of this amazing journey.

March 23rd, we will be kickstarting a new season of Sanctuary 2.0 starting from Hangzhou, China, and it will be (as Singaporeans love to put it)“same same but different!” 「聖所1.0」, 昨天晚上在澳洲墨爾本具國際指標性的RodLaverArena落幕,而我們正式「進階」了!這一路36場下來,感謝大家的熱情陪伴,讓我們每一場都別具一格!深深烙印在我腦海裡的,依然是我們一起歡笑,一起流淚的每個片刻!是你們每一位的盛情參與,完整了聖所的宗旨!

3/23 杭州,新一季的「聖所2.0」即將啟航,會有別出心裁的巧思!#心灵的圣所一起吗
期待我們一起再次 #让奇迹发声

#SanctuaryWorldTour #JJ林俊杰圣所世界巡回演唱会


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



