ケリー・ワシントンのインスタグラム(kerrywashington) - 3月10日 18時54分

Let me be clear:
It is legal to seek asylum.
When people cross our borders, their human rights come with them. We must protect those human rights because as Fannie Lou Hamer said: Nobody's free until everybody's free.
Today I went to Tijuana, Mexico with @fams2gether & @iwillharness (and some other familiar faces ?) to see, FIRSTHAND, how asylum seekers are being treated. It was an eye opening & heart breaking experience. We were able to bear witness to how the current administration is treating refugee families. We MUST demand better. @fam2gether is doing GOD’S work!!! They are working tirelessly to protect and reunite all families at the border because this has to stop! NO MORE. No more traumatizing children, no more separating families, no more subjecting refugees to inhumane conditions. Not on our watch. Not with our tax paying dollars.

Wanna know what you can do?
Donate to @Fams2gether to fight for human rights.

#SupportingFamilies #HarnesBeyondBorders ?: @ari.mejorado


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