TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 3月8日 04時56分

The @ダライ・ラマ14世 is a refreshingly unabashed figure in person, writes @charliecamp6ell in this week's cover story. His frequent laughter and protuberant ears make him seem cuddly and inoffensive, and it’s difficult to overstate how tactile he is. He appears equally at home with both the physical and the spiritual, tradition and modernity. He meditated within reach of an iPad tuned to an image of a babbling brook and mountains and a few minutes later turned to Tibetan scriptures written on wide, single sheets, unbound. He retires at 6 p.m. and rises at 4 a.m. and spends the first hours of his day in meditation. “Western civilization, including America, is very much oriented toward materialistic life,” the #DalaiLama, photographed in Dharamsala, #India, tells TIME. “But that culture generates too much stress, anxiety and jealousy, all these things. So my No. 1 commitment is to try to promote awareness of our inner values.” From kindergarten onward, he says, children should be taught about “taking care of emotion.” Read more at the link in bio. Photograph by @ruvenafanador for TIME

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