カリーヌ・ヴァナッスのインスタグラム(karinevanasse) - 3月7日 19時34分

À 9 ans, je rêvais de rencontrer Céline Dion. À 35 ans, le rêve serait de passer une journée à suivre @ktippett1 alors qu’elle prépare ses entrevues pour @onbeing. ✨ #SurLaRoutePendantDesHeuresAvecSaVoixEtSesQuestions. ••• At 9 yrs old, I dreamed of meeting Céline Dion. At 35, all I would wish for is to spend an entire day with @ktippett1 as she is getting ready for one of her new interviews for the @onbeing podcast. Is there a contest I can sign up for to win that prize ? ✨ Listening to some favorite interviews of hers while driving for hours. « Critical thinking without hope is cynicism, but hope without critical thinking is naïveté. » - Maria Popova @brainpicker « The very mecanisms in the brain that allow adversity to get under the skin are also the mecanisms that enable awakening. They are the same mecanisms. So we can harness this power of neuro plasticity for the good by cultivating certain kinds of virtuous qualities, but neuro plasticity in and off itself is neutral. » - neuroscientist #richarddavidsonphd

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