キャロル・アン・ワッツのインスタグラム(thewildcard) - 3月4日 15時24分

I cannot believe the film I just watched. Ben Ferencz, war crimes investigator after WWII, Chief Prosecutor of one of the Nuremberg trials, leader of reparation and rehabilitation programs for the victims of persecutions by the Nazis, activist for the establishment of an international court and still more today.. is an incredible man.

Fiery. Bold. Selfless. Unstoppable. “..Vengeance is not our goal, nor do we seek merely a just retribution. We ask this court to affirm by international penal action, man’s right to live in peace and dignity regardless of his race or creed. The case we present is a plea of humanity to law.” -Benjamin Ferencz, September 29th 1947

Thank you Melbar Entertainment Group for telling this story.
#BenFerencz #BenjaminFerencz #humanity #humanrights #activist #WWII #internationallaw #peace #diplomacy #equality #action #bold #spirit #consciousness #fiery #fierce #unstoppable #documentary #film #ProsecutingEvil #BarryAvrich #MelbarEntertainmentGroup #production #story #work #love


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