ネネ・リークスのインスタグラム(neneleakes) - 2月20日 22時55分

(SWIPE) A king entered the world on this date after a full day of labor and changed my life forever! Brentt, mom and dad have loved you from the moment we saw those 2 faint blue lines on a home pregnancy test LOL! You are 20 years old today! No longer a teenager ? Almost a full grown man making his way in this world (where the hell did time go??‍♀️) As your mom, i want nothing but THE BEST for you. I’m praying you have the best year ever son! I pray you have a clearer vision for your life and future accomplishments! Your super funny and have an amazing personality (you probably got that part from me? I’m proud of you and the young man you have become! The door is wide open baby....Walk thru it! Happy Birthday baby boy! Show my son some love y’all. He’s the best ? #bigprettybaby #youngleakes ?#calmlikehisdaddy #humble @kingbrentt


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