ニック・マーティンのインスタグラム(nodirectioncasa) - 2月14日 23時06分

I tell you every day of my life how much you mean to me. How grateful I am to have you by my side. Today is no different than any other day. I don’t ever feel like I HAVE to set aside the time so that you know you’re loved. I WANT to do that every day of my life because I believe it’s important. But hell.. I’ll still take the opportunity today to give my gratitude ❤️
But, for anyone out there who maybe doesn’t have a significant other to share today with, you can share it with us. @mrsjennamartin just put up a blog post pertaining to all of this. Remember, today is just another day — make attempts to not get consumed by it all. Much love to y’all today, tomorrow, & everyday after that✌?
Tip: Don’t wait until Valentine’s Day every year to tell the people closest in your life that you love them. Just as you love being appreciated by others, they appreciate it too. And now, more than ever in this world of ours, we could all use a little more love. Am I right?


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