hurleyのインスタグラム(hurley) - 2月12日 07時20分

Every artist is unique, but some seem like they’re from another planet. ?⚡️
Our latest collaboration is with someone who fits the latter group: @_cryptik_. We’ll let @ryanhurley explain.
“Years ago, I became familiar with Cryptik’s art as I saw it along the roadside of the North Shore of Oahu. Instantly I was a fan. Since then, I’ve been lucky enough to get to know him as a friend, and watch him progress as an artist. He continues to inspire me on so many levels. Belief, discipline, self-awareness, humility, the list goes on. Watching him create is equally as breathtaking as the finished product. Almost transcendent. He goes into a zone that is observably transdimensional. Bottom line: he blows my mind.”
Get a peek at our new Hurley x @_cryptik_ Collection in our story and on

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