Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 2月8日 03時36分

So this was King Lotus before I rescued him. Living on the back of a truck, forgotten by all “Humans”. Lions have always been my favorite beings, and he was the first adult that I had ever rescued, and seen, in real life. When I got this video, I said “What an ugly Lion”, they told me not to rescue him and look for a more beautiful one. I replied: “You’re crazy, that’s my Lion, we’ll make him beautiful here”. He got here, and for the first time, I encountered my favorite being on the Planet. He was skinny and smelled horrible, he also expelled tons and tons of worms. 3 days later, he collapsed, I almost died. Turned out that he swallowed a piece of a billboard that was covering the truck where he lived and we didn’t know it. The next morning, by luck, he vomited a ball of plastic the shape of a mini football. He was running and eating. I decided to name him Lotus after the flower that grows out of mud and ends up reflecting the rays of light in the most beautiful manner. I was right in naming him like that. Look at the second video to see how he lives with us. Now, he has a girlfriend, Lucky, another victim of the Dark Side of Humanity. But that’s another story...
#KingLotusBJWT #SaveLions


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