ミラ・ジョヴォヴィッチのインスタグラム(millajovovich) - 2月1日 03時24分

So THIS here little girl is one of two very important reasons why I work out 5 days a week. The other reason is my 11 year old. A year ago I started this weekly workout program and I couldn’t believe how amazing I started feeling after a few weeks of doing it consistently. I had incredible energy all day long which made me so much more fun as a parent. I suddenly became a “morning person” which I’d NEVER been in my life and rather than parking on the couch to binge watch shows, I want to run around with my kids, garden, cook and just stay more active all around. I’ve battled depression and feelings of low confidence all through out my childhood and adult life and this past year was the FIRST TIME I felt like my emotions weren’t overwhelming me and I feel in control of my moods. It’s been such a game changer for me and I hope I can inspire some of you to take a leap and get active as well. That’s why I’ve started doing my workouts live, because this is one of the single most important choices and changes I’ve ever made and now I know how important it is for all humans to move and be active every single day to feel good about themselves. I send you so much love and strength people! #keepmoving #ladiary ??✊??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




