サラ・エレンのインスタグラム(sarahellen) - 1月31日 20時42分

I didn’t realise how much growing up in Australia has affected my relationship with wildlife and the ocean until I started living in other cities.
I sit here writing this, spitballing ideas on how to articulate exactly how majestic the underwater world is without doing it an injustice. I really don’t think its possible but I’ll try for this stories sake. Think about the most exquisite flora & fauna you’ve seen in your lifetime.. Now add vibrant, metallic scales to it and then imagine it in an entirely different underwater atmosphere where fish swim in schools and sea turtles roam and the clams react to your touch.. It’s the beauty that we already get to experience on land, but in my eyes it’s so much more delicate & enchanting underwater.

Now, with every good story comes a plot twist. All of that magic is in danger and the Reef is desperate for your help! Read more about my trip to The Great Barrier Reef at the link in my bio.

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