キャロライン・ヴリーランドのインスタグラム(carolinevreeland) - 1月29日 06時17分

Hbd to you papi. You have the kindest most generous soul. I can’t believe how long you’ve been a part of my life (we met 13 years ago!) you never give up on me even when I’m the actual devil. You’ve taught me boundaries and you always stand up for me even when I’m wrong. You never get mad that i always have to lay down completely flat in the car, or that i always need my water in glass bottles. I steal every single pair of headphones you’ve ever had and you don’t hate me for it. You don’t even get mad when I’m messy or the fact that i have 10 kimonos laying around all over the house because you know i know each one serves a different purpose. We’ve had our ups and downs but you always fight for our love. I will always love you; here’s to letting this life long heist be your best work yet! @jasonodio


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




