レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 1月27日 19時04分

This just popped up on my news feed this morning! This hypocrisy is amazing! Fox news has the audacity to write this story yet they protect the man living in the White House after having multiple affairs and even paying women off to be quiet! I don't know what kind of person she is nor do we really know if she will be a good President but what I disagree with is people trying to silence @kamalaharris or slander her, yet over the last two years @Foxnews when trump was being questioned about cheating with porn stars you all said that those issues don't bother you and that you elected him for his ability to get deals done! The hypocrisy is real!!!!!!! SMH!! #justbeconsistent #callhimoutwhenheswrong #dontmakeexcusesforanypolitician #theyareelected #theyworkforus #senatorsneedaccountability @CNN #politiciansneedtoworkforthepeoplethatelectedthem


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