マチルダ・ルッツのインスタグラム(matildalutz) - 1月27日 01時25分

This picture was captured on your Your first hour into this world... that day, my dearest Oliver, I couldn’t have possibly imagined how much love I would’ve felt for you and I know I still can’t possibly imagine as the size of my heart and love for you keeps growing day by day. You are still so tiny but yet so strong, still so little yet you taught me so much, and not just new things but things about myself I never knew. You gave me power to call myself a woman, you gave me the energy I never knew I had. And I had loads of it. Your mom was known for smiling but somehow you gave me an even bigger one. Oliver life is beautiful ... smile, without a reason why... smile, no matter what they tell you, don’t listen to a word they say cause life is beautiful that way. #daddyandI #loveyoumorethananything #thefollettos


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