ミロシュ・デゲネクのインスタグラム(milosdegenek) - 1月26日 06時20分

To be really honest and open. I’d firstly like to say thank you to everyone who has sent nice positive messages to me it means a lot. To all my team mates my brothers I call them who have said nothing but smart things and positive words of praise to me I will cherish and listen and move on.
I won’t hide away from the fact I cost our country and my brothers a chance to live the dream by winning another trophy. I won’t hide from the fact I caused the mistake that cost us the game. I don’t need sympathy or anyone to feel sorry it’s football it happened. I sure as did not mean it to go down that way. But God has a plan for us all. I will learn move on and improve as my career continues.
It is the biggest honour playing for Australia the country I love. And it was amazing to be here for the month we had. Wish it continued. But it will continue on a different journey the road to the World Cup. ❤️??⚽️


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