Ha ha ! Not so glamorous now !! But I have my old NDN Brave with me. Brave indeed. I found this wonderful picture in an antique shop in LA, some years ago at the end of a kind of pilgrimage across the USA - me and my dear friend DIrk Maggs were researching histories of Native American tribes - for a movie which we never managed to make. YET. It will be the story of how the West was really won, or lost, depending on which way you look at it. Those of you who are familiar with my old song “White Man“ will understand where I was coming from, and what was driving the project. I don’t believe the story has ever been told from an unbiased point of view. On the way, we met many great Native American friends, and, to me, this picture is a constant reminder. It’s inspiring in so many ways. Apart from reminding me of the shameful way in which my race behaved in recent history, I see this man on his horse as a template. The body language of the two creatures matches perfectly. But it is clearest in the man, who is in the image of ourselves. His arms outstretched and his palms upwards represent perfect peace and submission to a Higher Power. He symbolically looks to the heavens, and asks only that he will be made a channel for the will of the Great Spirit, an instrument for good in the Universe around him. I would like to be like this man. It takes courage. And real courage can sometimes be hard to find. But it’s a journey,of course. That’s a good way to start the day for me. Happy Thursday folks ! Bri

brianmayforrealさん(@brianmayforreal)が投稿した動画 -

ブライアン・メイのインスタグラム(brianmayforreal) - 1月24日 20時45分

Ha ha ! Not so glamorous now !! But I have my old NDN Brave with me. Brave indeed. I found this wonderful picture in an antique shop in LA, some years ago at the end of a kind of pilgrimage across the USA - me and my dear friend DIrk Maggs were researching histories of Native American tribes - for a movie which we never managed to make. YET. It will be the story of how the West was really won, or lost, depending on which way you look at it. Those of you who are familiar with my old song “White Man“ will understand where I was coming from, and what was driving the project. I don’t believe the story has ever been told from an unbiased point of view. On the way, we met many great Native American friends, and, to me, this picture is a constant reminder. It’s inspiring in so many ways. Apart from reminding me of the shameful way in which my race behaved in recent history, I see this man on his horse as a template. The body language of the two creatures matches perfectly. But it is clearest in the man, who is in the image of ourselves. His arms outstretched and his palms upwards represent perfect peace and submission to a Higher Power. He symbolically looks to the heavens, and asks only that he will be made a channel for the will of the Great Spirit, an instrument for good in the Universe around him. I would like to be like this man. It takes courage. And real courage can sometimes be hard to find. But it’s a journey,of course. That’s a good way to start the day for me. Happy Thursday folks ! Bri


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