This Valentine’s Day love is in the air … and on Bond No. 9’s new beauty Instagram! Here's how to get featured on Bond No. 9’s new @kissandtellny Instagram account and have the chance to win a Bond No. 9 New York Red Lipstick: #1: Share your best NYC kiss by tagging @kissandtellny in the photo caption and use the hashtag #bondno9nylips for a chance to be featured and win a Bond No. 9 New York Lipstick and a romantic Valentine’s Day Dinner for Two at The Smile. Bond No. 9 will be checking @kissandtellny and #bondno9nylips constantly to discover new content. #2: Create a love letter to New York City. Bond No. 9 is New York’s most iconic fragrance and cosmetic house. So create and share your best kiss with content that includes New York in the background. Look at Bond No. 9’s Instagram page for inspiration. You have a better chance of getting featured if you include a New York neighborhood, street or sensibility in your photo! #3: Videos are welcome! It’s Valentine’s Day, so pack on the PDA!! Shoot a one-minute video. Play around with features such as boomerang. Be creative! #4: Save a high-res version of your #content. If you are a chosen one, Bond No. 9 is going to ask you for a high-quality file. So make sure the original photo or video somewhere on your phone or computer to send to Bond No. 9 for that much-desired repost. #5: Have fun. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of all kinds of affection, so dare to share your best New York kiss with your lover, your sweetheart, your partner, your family … and do tell. #bondno9 #bondno9ny #bondno9nylips #newyorklips #redlips #lipstick #makeup #newmakeup #newyork #newyorkcity #nyc

bondno9nyさん(@bondno9ny)が投稿した動画 -

ボンド・ナンバーナインのインスタグラム(bondno9ny) - 1月23日 01時12分

This Valentine’s Day love is in the air … and on Bond No. 9’s new beauty Instagram! Here's how to get featured on Bond No. 9’s new @kissandtellny Instagram account and have the chance to win a Bond No. 9 New York Red Lipstick:

#1: Share your best NYC kiss by tagging @kissandtellny in the photo caption and use the hashtag #bondno9nylips for a chance to be featured and win a Bond No. 9 New York Lipstick and a romantic Valentine’s Day Dinner for Two at The Smile.
Bond No. 9 will be checking @kissandtellny and #bondno9nylips constantly to discover new content.

#2: Create a love letter to New York City.

Bond No. 9 is New York’s most iconic fragrance and cosmetic house. So create and share your best kiss with content that includes New York in the background. Look at Bond No. 9’s Instagram page for inspiration. You have a better chance of getting featured if you include a New York neighborhood, street or sensibility in your photo!

#3: Videos are welcome!

It’s Valentine’s Day, so pack on the PDA!! Shoot a one-minute video. Play around with features such as boomerang. Be creative!
#4: Save a high-res version of your #content.

If you are a chosen one, Bond No. 9 is going to ask you for a high-quality file. So make sure the original photo or video somewhere on your phone or computer to send to Bond No. 9 for that much-desired repost.

#5: Have fun.
Valentine’s Day is a celebration of all kinds of affection, so dare to share your best New York kiss with your lover, your sweetheart, your partner, your family … and do tell.
#bondno9 #bondno9ny #bondno9nylips #newyorklips #redlips #lipstick #makeup #newmakeup #newyork #newyorkcity #nyc


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