スネジャナ・オノプカのインスタグラム(snejanaonopka15) - 1月22日 03時03分

To tell you the truth guys I was difficult person, my life was not easy since I was a child, my father left me and my mom when I was 6 years old, for me it was a huge stress! At school I was always different, I was tall, super skinny, I changed 3 schools. When I was 15 I moved to Kiev, because I’m from a small city. The purpose of my life was to give my family another life, better life, where no one would ever need anything. When I got into the modeling business , for me everything happened very quickly and successfully , but I could not appreciate it. This is true ! I want to say thank you to everyone who believed in me and gave me that chance!!! I want to apologize to all whose hopes I did not meet , I want to apologize to those who offended. And I want to say only one thing , appreciate every opportunity , every chance that gives you life and do not make my mistakes!!! Because second chance may not be!!! Sorry for my English , I hope you understand the main idea!!!


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