キャット・デルーナのインスタグラム(katdeluna) - 1月19日 06時56分

Having a convo: In life, It’s not always about just you, it’s about everything around you. Sometimes i wear black to let others around me stand out. Yes, I’m aware that my presence is powerful and vibrant so i love to see others shine too. No, I’m not dimming my light, just allowing others to share the same light with me. You don’t always have to be the loudest one in order to be heard. You shouldn’t feel the need to put others down to succeed. Just be authentic,do it different, believe and the world will see it and respect you. I love you. Y hoy se bebe!!!! ❤️❤️
#strongwomen #strongpeople #dontsellyourselfshort #girlpower #behappy #feminist #beyou #nuevaactitud #womenempowerment


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