ジミー・チンのインスタグラム(jimmychin) - 1月18日 23時50分

In @freesolofilm, mikeylikesrocks is probably going to be best remembered as the cinematographer who can’t watch what he’s filming. In reality (and besides being a legit badass climber) @mikeylikesrocks was one of the mvp’s of the production and our high angle Director of Photography. He spent most of the two years + of production running the high angle crew, doing laps on El Cap w @アレックス・オノルド while carrying a huge pack and, yes, actually looking through the viewfinder while filming. @Vanity Fair just produced a behind the scenes piece covering how we shot Alex’s big day on El Cap. I thought they did a good job with it. Check it at the link in my bio. @chaivasarhelyi @ナショナルジオグラフィック


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