Jessica Arevaloのインスタグラム(jessicaarevalo_) - 1月15日 03時54分

My transformation over the last 15 years has had its ups and downs like anyone else. Picture on the left I was 93 pounds and picture on the right I’m 115 pounds which is a 22 pound difference!??
I think the thing that most people get wrong about having a transformation is that it’s a sprint meaning they aren’t in it for the long haul but more so for the quick fix. Which is what is wrong with society today. THERE IS NO QUICK FIX!
I just want you all to know that a healthy lifestyle BODY MIND AND SOUL is a LIFE LONG JOURNEY. There is no quick fix there is no over night success there is no end to it honestly. It’s a continuous journey that we are all in together. -
If you feel unmotivated or struggling just know that we all are. Life is a struggle and continuing on our transformations is always a work in progress don’t ever give up. Instead push harder when you feel like giving up because it’s in these moments that you show yourself what you are really made of!??
If you are ready to make a lifestyle change and need help with your fitness goals I am still taking on clients for January! Email me to get started today and learn my ways! ?


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