のインスタグラム(deniseschaefer) - 1月11日 21時54分

The past few days have been extremely humbling, difficult, and amazing. I want to say thank you to @cu_peru for letting me come on board on their mission which I’m in full admiration of. This organization works in remote areas of the Amazon rainforest by training community health workers to be able to treat & diagnose sick people in their villages as well as preventing prevalent diseases that highly affect these areas. Most community’s are hours/days away from basic levels of care which is why this organization’s work is critical to decrease child mortality rates. I’m also immensely grateful to the people of each community that were so kind to us by letting us stay with them and making us feel welcomed in their humble homes. This experience has been incredible and I’m beyond inspired by these amazing humans who have so little yet never forget to count their blessings and live in happiness. If you’d like to donate to @cu_peru’s cause ANYTHING would be greatly appreciated. You can also find out how you can get involved. Link in my bio??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する






