TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 1月11日 00時00分

Federal offices and museums are shuttered. Trash is piling up in national parks. Airport-security personnel are working without pay. Recipients of housing aid are wondering if they’ll soon be evicted. This is #America during a partial government shutdown, now in its third week. But step back from the sordid details, writes @TIME Magazine's Molly Ball, and you could hardly get a more accurate tableau of America’s new political reality: a nonfunctioning federal government whose leaders, each insisting the stakes are too high to budge, have retreated to their corners. At the center of the drama are the two towering figures whose clash will define the next biennium: President @ドナルド・トランプ and emboldened House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (@speakerpelosi), the yang and yin of a divided America, two powerful leaders with their credibility on the line, both convinced they hold the winning hand. Read more on TIME.com. Photograph by Win McNamee—@gettyimages


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