instagoodのインスタグラム(instagood) - 1月8日 22時09分


On my last day in Bhutan, I made one of the most sacred Buddhist pilgrimage up to the Taktsang. It translates to Tiger’s Nest, and it is a monastery that was built in the 17th century. Hiking up 11,000 feet, there were monks, kids, and even elders on horsebacks along the way. It was incredible to see how dedicated these people are to their religion. I set off at 6am in the morning to avoid the heat wave, however the sun was already torching when I was half way up the mountain, making the hike even harder. In the monastery, I was given a Bhutanese name by my tour guide Kinzang. The name was Ugyen, and it means Lotus born. It comes from the Bhudda in the legend that came to the monastery riding a flying tiger.


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