ヴァレンティーナ・マルケイのインスタグラム(valemarchei14) - 1月8日 00時18分

Yesterday in 3 pictures:
1• I can’t believe my pink wig made it live on German National TV, aka the @holidayoniceshows CAST rocked the Opening of @dancingonicesat.1 !?
2• My drummers are better than yours?
3• Highlight of the night and of the week. Finally having a proper meal. Love me some SHNITZEL.??? •

La mia Befana in 3 immagini:
• Ebbene si, la mia parrucca rosa ha debuttato in TV?? #siamounasquadrafortissimi #holidayoniceFAMILY
• Girl power. Tutte single. Ve le taggo così stalkerate?
• FELICIONA. Dico NO alle zuppe, seduta per terra, per qualche giorno. #lavitaintour #showgirllife #tourlife #trucconeabbiamo #proteinepure #stanchezzaanche #holidayonice


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