サラ・ステージのインスタグラム(sarahstage) - 1月6日 04時39分

Mommy guilt... Being completely honest, there are lots of moments when i feel guilty as a mom.
For example, last night i caught myself feeling bad because i had worked all day and then left the kids to go out with hubby and friends.
Sometimes we need a reminder that it’s healthy to have a break from mom duties and have the confidence to know that no one can love our kids better and know what’s right for them, better than us!
Anyway, if you have moments like i do, It helps to realize that some guilt can be productive and it's a valid emotion we can learn from. Instead of eradicating all guilt, the real goal is to separate the unproductive feelings of guilt from the kind that helps us improve and be even better parents 👊🏼 wearing @hotmiamistyles


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