ジェイソン・ムラーズのインスタグラム(jason_mraz) - 1月6日 04時16分

Simultaneously is a great word.
It uses every vowel including y.
It uses 6 syllables to describe something that happens all at once.

I’ve been thinking a lot about time.
All there is – is now. Correct?
How big is Now?

Just a blip of a second, or could Now be all of life as we know it?
Who sets the perimeters?
Is Now only measured in the brain of the experiencer?

I’m writing this now, and yet you are reading this Now – even though much time may have passed between me typing and you receiving – it is all occurring right this now.

Assuming Now is just for a moment.
But how big is a moment?
In this same moment I can also think of goals for the future.

One Now at a time please.
Too many questions can make one miss the good moments.

There is nowhere to get.
It’s all happening now.
I’m already got.

I write to reflect. Presence. And project.
Performance also allows my past present and future self to all exist

Moments are savored. Memories are made.
The music in this clip is Gregory Page’s “Sleeping Dogs,”
recorded during soundcheck in Sugarland, I think.
The footage is from forever ago yesterday

The images are of my favorite people,
They who help me be


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