タロンガ動物園のインスタグラム(tarongazoo) - 1月3日 08時16分

Sun Bears are one of the world’s rarest species of bear. They are the only truly tropical bear and are one of only two bears that live south of the equator. They are also the world’s smallest bear, standing at about 1.5m high. Each and every Sun Bear has a unique U-shaped golden crest on its chest resembling the rising or setting of the sun. No two ‘sun’ markings are the same. Mr Hobbs, Taronga’s male Sun Bear, can be identified by his ‘bow tie-shaped’ chest patch. In the wild this gorgeous bear in under serious threat from habitat loss and illegal wildlife trade. Protect species like Sun Bears by reporting illegal trade when you are overseas. Download the free Taronga Wildlife Witness app to lend your eyes to the wild! #ForTheWild ? @lifeasweknowit_au


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