のインスタグラム(daramuscatlab) - 12月31日 21時24分

I want to share a little memory. Once when I was a kid maybe 10 years old I’ve been working on a farmer market with my grandmother, we’ve been selling veggies and greens which we’ve been growing by ourselves. Those days my father wasn’t in contact with me and I’ve been growing feeling missing family and especially his presence. I’m grateful I’ve been raised by two independent and strong girls but back then I’ve been feeling a bit lonely. Once one man who always been buying from me bought me a present! A beautiful and shiny red apple! I brought this apple home and placed it on a shelf as if it was my own treasure. Grandma said “but you have to eat this apple at some point because it can’t be with you forever. I’ve been saving this apple as long as I could, coming back home everyday holding this apple in my hands as if it was a priceless treasure. What I want to say with this story: happiness is made from small things. Even when things aren’t going the way we want to - we are able to create happiness for ourselves and people around us easily. We always have something to smile about! Life is a creative and all the time changing flow. Everything is in our own hands and eyes. Happy New Year! I wish you all the magic of this world in 2019. Stay Golden, Stay True and Shiny! Luv ya, Dara. Xx ♥️✨ #daraontheroad


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