マディリン・ベイリーのインスタグラム(madilynbailey) - 12月31日 11時21分

Dear 2018… oof you were a tough one… You taught me some good hard lessons in the importance of looking back and forgiving old pain of the past and the absolute necessity of looking ahead to manifest the future I want to live in but more importantly than looking back or looking forward you taught me that living isn’t dwelling in or building toward something… living is the breath I’m breathing right now. Living is the exact moment of time that I’m in. The past is just that and the future is vast and undetermined but right here right now, as I write this post with my puppy snoring in my arms,… that is living… what a miracle… what a gift to fully feel and accept the love around me... 2018 you were a tough one but thank you for sticking with me… I can promise with undoubtable certainty we are in for a crazy next few years… 2019 bring it on… ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




