☯️??So much devastation has occurred in 2018, focally this post is for what’s happened last month in my locale... Honoring those who have lost their lives and their homes; before the year is up please consider donating to either of these wonderful fire relief funds; California Fire Foundation, Charity Of Hope, Caring Choices, Global Giving (IG allows 1 link but I still added the rest even though they aren’t clickable, easy URLS to type in) Anything you can spare helps so much. Let’s spread a little extra holiday cheer to those who’s holiday might not be as cheerful this year as it was last year...If you’ve already donated, donating again is extra karma points! I mean, u ate yesterday, does that mean u don’t need to eat today? Love and blessings to all those who need it the most... Prayers and donations all around. Let’s bring in the new year & show our spirit in a REAL way. Thank you angels for your help I truly love you. ☯️?I lost everything to a fire in 2014 (these pictures show some of the wreckage, I was totally numb) including all data, which was the hardest part - photos/videos of my daughter which were most precious - hard drives were melted and I didn’t trust cloud backups...But we got to keep our lives & Kariya my snake shed his skin & healed...so I consider us extremely lucky. Going numb after a crisis, it’s very very hard to restart and to process the paralyzing loss & grief inside. It goes on for years and years. I never shared anything publicly about my fire b/c I was so crippled by it. People need our support in feeling hopeful and stable again. Anything you can provide, makes you an angel to someone. Let’s help alleviate and lessen the victims depressions. May all beings be Safe and well, and loved. Bless you. ? Ps: pic 7 was an attempt to express that in healing & rebuilding you just go one step at a time, calmly...no matter how futile it seems just keep going, the dust will clear. ❣️???

alexisknappさん(@alexisknapp)が投稿した動画 -

アレクシス・ナップのインスタグラム(alexisknapp) - 12月31日 03時07分

☯️??So much devastation has occurred in 2018, focally this post is for what’s happened last month in my locale... Honoring those who have lost their lives and their homes; before the year is up please consider donating to either of these wonderful fire relief funds; California Fire Foundation, Charity Of Hope, Caring Choices, Global Giving (IG allows 1 link but I still added the rest even though they aren’t clickable, easy URLS to type in) Anything you can spare helps so much. Let’s spread a little extra holiday cheer to those who’s holiday might not be as cheerful this year as it was last year...If you’ve already donated, donating again is extra karma points! I mean, u ate yesterday, does that mean u don’t need to eat today? Love and blessings to all those who need it the most... Prayers and donations all around. Let’s bring in the new year & show our spirit in a REAL way. Thank you angels for your help I truly love you. ☯️?I lost everything to a fire in 2014 (these pictures show some of the wreckage, I was totally numb) including all data, which was the hardest part - photos/videos of my daughter which were most precious - hard drives were melted and I didn’t trust cloud backups...But we got to keep our lives & Kariya my snake shed his skin & healed...so I consider us extremely lucky. Going numb after a crisis, it’s very very hard to restart and to process the paralyzing loss & grief inside. It goes on for years and years. I never shared anything publicly about my fire b/c I was so crippled by it. People need our support in feeling hopeful and stable again. Anything you can provide, makes you an angel to someone. Let’s help alleviate and lessen the victims depressions. May all beings be Safe and well, and loved. Bless you. ?
Ps: pic 7 was an attempt to express that in healing & rebuilding you just go one step at a time, calmly...no matter how futile it seems just keep going, the dust will clear. ❣️???


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