馬曉晴のインスタグラム(maisyma1999) - 12月30日 22時33分

??I'd say #2018 was an interesting year. It started off with me missing out on the Olympics, my biggest dream of all time. I was injured and broken inside, it was definitely devastating for me. However, life opened new doors for me as I started college in January. I developed new interests and set new goals, such as graduating earlier, finding my major and establishing my own brand. I found my passion again in skating, becoming a whole new me. This year made me realize how people around me are so supportive; they are not only there when I shine, but also when I am at my lowest. I met so many new friends, I met you, and I'd say 2018 has been pretty productive. I can't wait to see what 2019 has for me! I'm blessed and thankful as always~?

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