Bergdorf Goodmanのインスタグラム(bergdorfs) - 12月27日 13時09分

“You’re Invited” ? A holiday party series created exclusively for BG by illustrator @jooleeloren. Last up, “The Scrooge.”
The only thing misery loves more than company is a party. You can find this Grinch tucked neatly in corner, surveying the festivities with the self-satisfied smirk of someone who has just learned the words, Holiday Industrial Complex. Should you find yourself in conversation, you’ll be battered mercilessly over the head with terrifying statistics she recently read (can’t remember where... NPR? The New Yorker? Well, anyway, she’ll send it to you when she remembers) about the number of raccoons killed annually after impaling themselves on daggered candy canes. And do not even get her STARTED on those netted bags your Hanukkah gelt comes in. It’s mass consumerism tied up in a bow, and it makes her SICK!, she will say, as she flicks a piece of fake snow from her $4,000 designer sweater, and smooths out her $15,000 hand-pleated leather skirt. “You know,” she sniffs, as she takes a sip of her Veuve, “there are people out there in NEED. Like my doorman, for instance.”


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