マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 12月24日 13時59分

The AD that never ran....THE LAST SUPPER, an AIRWALK campaign I shot back in 2006/2007. The CEO at the time felt it was too “controversial” for Airwalk at that point had not done ANY marketing for nearly 4 years. and my concept was RESURRECTING the brand from the dead. I felt no then the last supper. It was such a bummer because Passion of the Christ came out a couple months later. Positive or negative, my guess is they would have received a bunch of attention which is always the goal with marking. It still is one of my favorite campaigns that I shot that never ran. If you zoom in and check it out, this photo does look a painting. So Micky Avalon, Justin Warfield and several other pals played the 12 disciples, and well I did use a female to represent the........


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